KS5W Music therapy 10/05/24
Students from KS5W have enjoyed their music therapy lesson, playing instruments, signing songs and making rhythms.
KS4W Community bowling trip
What a fantastic bowling trip KS4W had today in sunny Southport. All students were fully engaged in the game and it was wonderful to watch their interactions and communication with one another as a class team. Working on their speaking, listening and teamwork skills builder skills…
KS4C - Sciencie - Life on Mars
We have been exploring possible life on planet Mars. We experimented with iron filings, glitter, lentils and rice, which all represented micro-organisms
Students experimented rocks to find signs of energy. All representing signs of life on Mars.
KS5S Butterflies
KS5S have enjoyed learning about the adventures of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. They listened to our sensory story and then made their own butterflies to go on their classroom window.
KS5W CLL Secret Treehouse
Students have been loving engaging with their CLL topic - their secret treehouse.
Today they talked about how they feel inside their treehouse.
KS3L Friday Reflection - 3.5.24
Key Stage 3 are focussing on the topic of space in all of their lesson this term. In My World we used a yellow 1kg medicine ball to do throws. We have been finding facts about Space in CLL. In Maths we have been practicing times tables, focussing on 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We used a dice to decide how…
KS5WE Fine Motor Practice
Some of our students in KS5W have been working on their fine motor skills, problem solving and working with different tools within the classroom to help them to aim high, students completed these tasks independently.
KS5W Immersive room
Students from KS5W enjoyed their time in our immersive room, they explored a few different interactive programs such as fireworks and wall graffiti. Our students enjoyed their time in the immersive room which helps them to relax.
KS5 Tuck shop 29th March - 3rd May
Students from KS5 have been practicing their skills with helping to count tuck shop money, selling to their peers at break time and keeping a stock check of what we have in stock and what we need to buy. Students practiced their counting skills, communication, teamwork and problem solving…
HAPPY FRIDAY! Students from KS5W had a lovely wake up and shake up dance this morning. Students and staff all enjoyed getting involved.
KS5W Turn taking and Maths games
Students in KS5W have been playing snakes and ladders learning how to take turns and to count the spaces that they move after they roll the dice. Students have been learning valuable skills with counting and communicating with each other.
KS5W Sensory Circuit
Students from KS5W have chosen sensory circuits to complete to help them to recognise ways that can help them within the classroom. Students chose their own individual circuit and then carried out those activities with a member of staff.