4 March 2024


Students in KS4 have been using their Fine/Gross Motor skills by warming up before they start their lesson.

This is normally led by the class teacher but sometimes we ask the students to lead the room, they do a great job and all the students take part. Great fun.

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Image of Careers week inside the factory
4 March 2024

Careers week inside the factory

For careers week students took part in an immersive experience inside a factory, Students learnt all about the importance of  PPE, safety signs and how to behave when in certain areas of the factory. Students enjoyed learning how things were made and the different processes that took part within…

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Image of 3H - Computing - Robotics
3 March 2024

3H - Computing - Robotics

One of 3H students' favourite lessons of the week is Computing with Mr Croft.  This week they were learning how to programme Bee Bots and Sphero Indi.


There once were some students so keen,

With Bee Bots, they formed quite a team.

They coded and played,

With robots, they…

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Image of KS5W Friday Music
1 March 2024

KS5W Friday Music

Another wonderful music therapy session this afternoon. Students are blossoming with confidence. Everybody loves these sessions which are great fun and include relaxation at the end.

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Image of KS5W Breakfast barms
1 March 2024

KS5W Breakfast barms

Students worked really hard today to make breakfast barms for the staff as part of their enterprise project. They worked as a team and showed excellent communication skills. Everybody loved the barms - delicious!!

Well done!!!


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Image of KS5W Shop
1 March 2024

KS5W Shop

Students love Fridays because they get to open up their savings which they keep in their bank in class, count their wages and then spend them in the class shop. Everyone worked really hard on morning jobs this week and there were lost of bonus payments for effort and good choices.

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Image of KS5W Shop
1 March 2024

KS5W Shop

Students love Fridays because they get to open up their savings which they keep in their bank in class, count their wages and then spend them in the class shop. Everyone worked really hard on morning jobs this week and there were lost of bonus payments for effort and good choices.

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Image of KS5W Community Shopping
1 March 2024

KS5W Community Shopping

Students loved going shopping for their lunch in unit menu for next week. They have planned a healthy lunch box and will make it next week. They also bought items they needed for their pop-up cafe which served breakfast barms today. Everyone worked really hard as a team and practiced community…

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Image of KS3L Friday Reflection - 1.3.24
1 March 2024

KS3L Friday Reflection - 1.3.24

It has been an excellent week in Key Stage 3L. We are continuing our 'environment' theme.  In CLL we have been using 'Song of the Dolphin Boy', 'Mia Makes a Meadow', and 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.  In Maths we have continued to explore time in our lessons.  In Computing students have been using…

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29 February 2024

KS5C Tuck shop intervention

This week KS5C have been counting tuck shop and selling it to fellow students touring break time. This is helping students to build on their counting and communication with other people and developing good teamwork skills.


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Image of KS5 C lunch in unit Mac and cheese
29 February 2024

KS5 C lunch in unit Mac and cheese

For lunch in unit this week KS5C have made Mac and cheese with crispy bacon and wedges. All of the students took part in making the dish and using kitchen skills like chopping, mixing, measuring, frying, boiling and using a microwave to make a syrup sponge pudding. 


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Image of KS5W Traffic Survey
28 February 2024

KS5W Traffic Survey

KS5W really enjoyed surveying traffic to record the different colours of cars going past. Afterwards they counted and shared their results. There were more white cars on the roads that morning than any other colour. This was closely followed by blue and silver.


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