Exam and assessment results

Exam and Assessment results are available for Students in KS4 and KS5.

The following documents give details of our 2024 results and previous years results.

We also publish our destination data for students in KS4 and KS5 

Progress 8                                                              -2.63

Whilst school level data, in line with Department for Education guidelines, is published for West Lancashire High Community School this must be viewed in the context that the curriculum at the school is designed to ensure that our students achieve their EHCP outcomes and accreditation routes are planned to ensure this is achieved.

A measure of success of the curriculum at West Lancashire Community High School can be seen with the number of students staying in education or employment, which is consistently 100%; significantly above local and national averages.

Attainment 8                                                             0.2

% of pupils achieving a strong pass in English and mathematics.                                                        0%

% of pupils achieving the EBacc.                           0%


Performance tables

The DFE provide performance tables on our school. You can access this information here. This is an External link to Gov.UK

Exam and assessment results

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