Key Stage 5

Key Stage 5 specialises in supporting young adults in preparation for adulthood.  Our aim is to offer a learning programme which focuses on personal and social development, independence and employability.  Key Stage 5 offers learning which encourages achievement and success while building friendships and respect.

We offer a varied timetable which may include experiences such as; college, work placements, sports and leisure, community links, accredited learning including functional Maths and English.  We offer small supported learning groups, target setting, transition support and guidance, opportunities to experience and develop life, living and employability skills and further education experiences.

Facilities which we have on offer include an immersive room, life skills kitchen and classroom, computing equipment, horticulture teaching and learning environment, enrichment activities, small animals and a variety of learning outside the classroom including access the Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme.


5W - Miss Dickinson

5L - Mrs Machaj (Key Stage Leader) & Mrs Holcroft

5C - Mrs Marshall & Mrs Dudley

5H - Mrs Parker

5S - Miss Galbraith (Assistant Key Stage Leader)

5A - Mr Hitchen

Students are supported by teaching assistants;

  • Mrs Dykes
  • Mrs Coakley
  • Mr Hill
  • Miss Daley
  • Mrs Edwards
  • Mrs Gordon
  • Mrs Lemaire
  • Ms Low
  • Mrs Chapman
  • Mrs Sharp
  • Miss Tarry
  • Miss Lushchan
  • Miss Greenall
  • Miss Roughley
  • Miss McIlroy
  • Miss Cooper
  • Miss Harrington Ball

Our experienced team of teaching assistants move around within the the department to ensure the students benefit from their expertise as the students prepare for life as a young adult.

Evidence for Learning

Why Evidence for Learning (EfL)?

How do we show progress?

Our learners are hardworking and amazing at what they do every day in school. Whilst we celebrate this individuality it does mean that there is no-one else like them to compare their progress with. We overcome this by comparing them to themselves and what they have shown us previously. This is an approach called “Ipsative Assessment”.

Evidence for Learning (EfL) allows us to capture examples of what learners can do and the range of circumstances they are able to do it in.

Evidence for Learning (EfL) allows us to track the progress each individual student is making towards their Personal Learning Goals (PLG’s)

A conversation about learning

Being able to share what we are seeing with parent/carers allows us to create learning conversations. It means that we can send home reports at the touch of a button and keep parent carers up to date on the latest of their child’s successes. It allows us to capture and share several “firsts” or “significant learning moments” with you.

A collaborative approach

We want to work with you to celebrate your child’s progress. You can login to your Parent Portal on any computer, tablet or phone that can access the internet. Once logged in you will be able to see the evidence that we have shared with you. You can also if you choose to upload pictures and videos and share them with us. We look forward to seeing some of the pictures and videos that you share with us.

The Family App

The Family App is a great way for you to follow the progress of your child.  You can keep up to date on daily progress and also have access to progress documents too.  The best part of the app is that you can upload your own evidence too.  This allows you to capture moments outside of school that link to their learning goals in school.  Sometimes you may wish to share a 'wow' moment with.

Guidelines and important things to remember

Photos and videos

Evidence usually takes the form of photographs and videos.  We work hard to encapsulate the learning moment so that you can see what has taken place and the outcome we are working towards.  All data in EfL is supported by the providers privacy policy and it is a closed system accessed only by our staff and the families of the children who evidence is being captured!

Evidence that we share

Do remember that not all pieces of evidence gathered will be shared. We will share the significant or key moments that we feel is appropriate to share with you. The evidence that we share may be as and when it happens, at regular intervals or within the end of term or academic reports.

Submitting evidence from home

We love to hear and to see how our learners get on when they are not with us, however, please be aware that teachers will not be able to respond to every image or comment as we are busy teaching your children.  It is very important that we use Evidence for Learning to celebrate and record the successes of our students.  The app is not a home/school link to be used to communicate between home and the teacher about behaviours or other ongoing issues.  This will always be done through home/school link books, emails or telephone calls.

Support Booklet

Below is a help booklet for setting up the app.  Before you start, you will need to make contact with your class team to ask to be set up and a link and password reset sent out to you.  Once you have this, you can download, log in and get started.

KS5 Evidence for Learning - Guide For Parents

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Key Information for students and families to encourage independence and self-help.


The Key Stage 5 curriculum programme can be very different to the traditional school programme previously experienced by students.

It is essential, and more so with the unpredictability of the British weather that students come prepared wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for the day ahead.

Key information below help support students in their organisation for the days and weeks ahead.

Gym/Swim - swim wear/towel and or trainers and jogging pants, T shirt and trainers for the gym

KS5W - Monday 

KS5L - Monday

KS5C - Monday

KS5H - Thursday

KS5S - Tuesday (on rotation)

Lunch in Unit - Weekly cost of £2.50 to cover the cost of ingredients

Students will prepare, cook and eat a two course meal instead of their normal school dinner arrangements. For those who choose not to eat the lunch this will be sent home.  

KS5W - Wednesday

KS5L - Monday

KS5C - Tuesday

KS5H - Friday

KS5S - Wednesday

Work experience - appropriate clothing and footwear suitable for placement and a waterproof coat/jacket

KS5H - Tuesday

KS5W - Friday - Horticulture and environment studies (ASDAN Towards Independence)

KS5L - Friday

KS5C - Friday

KS5S - Friday - Horticulture and environment students (ASDAN Towards Independence)


Wonderful Wednesdays

Students throughout the year will experience college learning at West Lancs College, Adventurous Activities (Canoeing, High/Low Ropes, Bush Craft, Orienteering) and Duke of Edinburgh

West Lancashire College - Clothing suitable for sports

Adventurous activities - Mrs Marshall will make contact on a regular basis to ensure that students have all the essentials for the activities planned

D of E - Appropriate warm clothing, suitable footwear for walking and a waterproof coat.

All students study functional Maths and English on a Thursday.

All students in time, will receive a lanyard, school badge and a Now Card (application applies). It is important that students have these with them each day once they have received them.

KS5 also has a Tuck Shop which is open every break time. Students are welcome to bring in money to spend at the Tuck Shop.

All students can access toast on arrival to school as part of our Thrive time at no cost.


All young people in Key Stage 5 have the exciting opportunity to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award. The award is flexible and designed to provide students personalised challenges in both their physical abilities and personal and social skills. Young people will choose their own programme and through completion of this will develop experiences, friends and talents for life. As part of the Key Stage 5 curriculum, students access DofE sessions throughout the year to gain the experience and confidence to complete all sections of the award.

There are 4 sections that students complete in order to achieve the award, these are:


  • Physical Achieving personal goals through a fitness activity.  Students visit Nye Bevan Gym to take part in gym or swimming sessions on a weekly basis. Other examples include wellbeing walks, canoeing, yoga, cycling, MOVE, hydrotherapy.


  • Skills Learning a new skill or strengthening an already existing skill. Some examples include cooking, small animal care, photography, sewing, film reviewing.


  • Volunteering – Giving time to help make a difference to others, the community or the environment. Examples include environmental work at Greenslate Farm, River Tawd or Leeds-Liverpool Canal, helping in local charity shops, fundraising.


  • Expedition – In order to complete their award, students complete a camping trip. Whilst on their expedition the students complete an adventurous journey. We offer walks appropriate for the needs and abilities of individuals. Students might complete a walk which is fully accessible, flat or slightly shorter or one which is a little more physically challenging. Adaptations are made to ensure that the expedition is inclusive and achievable to all and the DofE fully supports this.

In weekly DofE sessions students experience skills including:

  • Pitching tents
  • Planning meals and cooking on camp stoves
  • First Aid
  • Countryside Code
  • Map reading and following a route
  • Packing for a camping trip
  • Teamwork

Taking part in the DofE will help young people develop skills, confidence and a positive view on life which will support them in their future adult life, college, employment and independent living. Also, students make a difference to the community and environment, get fitter and healthier, make new friends and memories that last a lifetime...and have lots of fun along the way!

Celebration Assembly

We have an annual celebration assembly where the Duke of Edinburgh Award is celebrated. Students achieve certificates for each section completed and achieve the full award for completing all four sections. All students who have achieved sectional certificates or completed the award are invited with their families to attend an evening of celebration. We display photos and videos highlighting what each young person has achieved. We are very proud of the achievements of our young people and the celebration of our students' successes is a key part of our learning experience.

Duke of Edinburgh

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Transition Guide Booklet

Updated: 13/07/2022 1.34 MB

Each month we celebrate the work of the students through our monthly newsletter.  Take a look to see all the wonderful experiences and opportunities the students take part in.


KS5 Newsletters

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Updated: 04/11/2023 379 KB