At West Lancashire Community High School, we are passionate about reading and believe that every single young person can learn to read. 


We value the importance of providing high quality, engaging and evidence-informed learning experiences to all our learners regardless of which pathway they follow so that they can develop the life skills and experiences they need to thrive beyond school. 

Our students have opportunities throughout the curriculum to: 

  • develop a love of reading

  • increase their phonetic and alphabetic knowledge 

  • develop word reading skills

  • increase the fluency of their reading

  • develop comprehension skills. 

We acknowledge that every student in our school is unique, and as well as following a specific government approved systematic, synthetic phonics programme (Read, Write, Inc.), we equally value the importance of personalised approaches, reading for pleasure opportunities, sharing, and talking about stories with others along with immersing students in a literacy-rich environment.   
Across our school, students will develop their reading skills through access to: 
•    Read, Write, Inc programmes 
•    Sensory stories 
•    Whole class texts and guided reading sessions 
•    Library visits 
•    Big books 
•    Oxford Reading Tree 
•    Technology (ipads, photobooks, Epic) 
•    Specific areas within classrooms and departments, which encourage a love for reading, accessed across the day 
We are committed to developing a love of reading, and as such the school has adopted an initiative whereby every student receives a book from our book vending machine on their birthday, further reinforcing books and the love of reading as a positive experience.

If you wish to find out more information about how you can support your child’s reading skills at home, please see our links below. 
How to say the phonics sounds: 
Support for sound blending: 
10 things to think about when you read to your child: 


We are always happy to answer questions and provide support for parents and carers around developing reading for pleasure at home.