Key Stage 3 is gateway to all students joining West Lancashire Community High School. The journey that they begin in Key Stage 3 will prepare them for their next steps towards Key Stage 4 and then to either Key Stage 5 or provision beyond West Lancashire Community High School. Our goal is to support our young people on their journey and guide them along their pathway so that will achieve their outcomes and reach their goals and aspirations.
We are a department of 5 classes and we have students coming from a range of schools both special and mainstream.
Before coming to West Lancashire Community High School, many processes will have already occurred as part of our transition process. All Transition Review meetings will have been attended by our staff and additional school visits undertaken if necessary. You will have been invited to a range of transition days both during the school day and after school and these normally take place in the Summer term. Our staff will have also begun to colate vital assessment information for English, Maths and Boxall Profiles. All of this information helps us to determine which classes the students will be allocated.
All classes follow a curriculum suitably adapted to provide opportunities for young people to achieve success (for more information please click HERE). Whenever possible we look for opportunities to learn outside the classroom in interesting and innovative ways.
Our classes are:
3W - Mrs McEvoy (Key Stage Leader)
3L - Mr Mullen
3C - Mrs Appleton
3H - Mr Balson
3S - Mrs Seery (Assistant Key Stage Leader)
3A - Miss Chisnall
Students are supported by;
- Mr Croft
- Mr Machaj
- Mrs Thorpe
- Mrs Bradshaw
- Mrs White
- Mrs Croft
- Miss Dean
- Miss Heder
- Miss Seagrove
- Miss Parry
- Mrs Seddon
- Miss Schofield
- Mrs Jones
- Mrs Owens
- Mr Holland
- Mrs Neale
- Miss E Welsh
- Mrs K Welsh
Our experienced team of teaching assistants are based in the above classes but will move around within the department to ensure the students benefit from their expertise.
Our Pastoral Groups are organised through a range of processes including Thrive needs. These assessments highlight social and emotional development needs and allow us to group students with similar needs so that these can be addressed across the curriculum.
Core Learning Groups are the Communication, Literacy and Language (CLL) and Maths Groups for Key Stage 3. It is vital for progression that students are in a group that is delivering teaching and learning at the right stage for the students. These groups will change each term as we undertake further assessments and adjust the groups based on the current needs of the students.
We take a positive stance towards the attitude of our students in school and reward positive interactions, choices and engagement in learning rather that sanctions. We work on a token system across the department with a focus on money. Each class has a variant on this theme and is right for the students in those classes. Students earn money for achieving the 4 expectations on our shield (please see below). At the end of the week, the money is added up and they can spend their money at the Key Stage 3 Shop.
Money is never removed as a consequence but would not be given out when reflecting on the expectations. All students do have chances to gain extra coins for going 'above and beyond'. Rather than consequences, we prefer to use the term 'personal responsibility' to allow students to explore how they may approach situations differently in the future.
Communication is important to us and all parents have access to teacher email addresses. Home/School books are a valuable method of communication but it is impossible to have a book for every student. This can be discussed directly with the teacher of your child. All of our teachers are accessible through email. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if an issue arises.
In this section, we will keep you updates as to how each class is doing each week with attendance.
Attendance at school is vital for the development of our students. Not only does school provide the academic and cognitive development that enables progress but also the social, emotional and communication development. School is the best place for a young person to be.
As a school we set ourselves a target percentage to work towards. We have taken into consideration the needs of our students and allowed flexibility for medical appointments or interventions. This year our benchmark is 92%. Students falling under that percentage across a half term will receive a letter asking you to make contact with school.
We also recognise that our students may have medical needs or a range of other issues that may impede their ability to access school. In these situations, we cannot mark them as present but we can work together with parents to develop Attendance Care Plans that recognise the wider needs. Please speak to your class team or contact Mr. D Mullen for further advice.
School has a robust Attendance Policy and procedures for absences. Click here
Below is a copy of the parent guidance for attendance at West Lancashire Community High School and includes a breakdown of the procedures used in school. Ultimately, as a school, we want to work in collaboration. If you are to receive an attendance letter, please do not worry, just make contact with the class team to arrange an informal meeting to discuss how we can support or what plans need to be put in place.
Attendance Information for Parents
In school we celebrate in a number of ways. We want to recognise when there has been a significant improvement. It isn't always about the 100%. Smaller steps are as valid and worth praise as much as the 100%.
We do recognise the 100% attendances every week in our class assemblies. Each student receives a certificate in recognition of their weekly attendance.
As a school, all 100% are recognised every term. Students are presented with a reward and a special certificate to recognise their achievements. Those students are also entered into a Grand Prize Draw for a special prize.
KS3 Timetables 2023
Learning Beyond the Classroom
Below you will find 'Learning Beyond the Classroom' grids for each class in Key Stage 3. To create further opportunities to apply skills in a functional way and to work towards their Education, Health and Care Plan outcomes, each class teacher has developed a grid of activities that can be done beyond the classroom to develop skills in the main areas of the EHCP
We are asking our families to engage with the grids and choose 1 activity to complete each week. We will be using our Friday assemblies to ask our students about their progress (if appropriate). We are also asking our families to engage with Evidence for Learning and upload a photograph and comment of the activities they have chosen to complete beyond the classroom.
Below are the grids for each class in Key Stage 3.
Learning Beyond the Classroom
Every Friday afternoon, we sit down with out students and reflect on the week. We spend time celebrating the successes of their own week but also the successes of other students.
Recently we have introduced weekly afternoon tasks that work towards our 'Skills Builder' outcomes.
We also spend time on Friday's focusing on positivity towards themselves and those around them.
Please take an opportunity to explore our half termly celebration galleries. These are a snapshot of the amazing things that happen each and everyday in school.
Autumn Term 1 Celebration
Coming Soon
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