Welcome to key stage 4
In Key Stage 4 students are between 14 and 16 years of age. Our department is organised into three classes so students from years 10 and 11 are placed within the most appropriate group for their learning needs.
Our classes are:4W - Mrs. Gibbons (Key stage Leader)
4L - Mrs. Rees (Assistant Key Stage Leader)
4C - Mrs. Higgins
4H - Miss Wilson
Students are supported by;
- Miss Wright
- Ms Brannigan
- Miss Shinner
- Mrs Waterworth
- Miss Molyneux
- Miss Shaw Williams
- Mrs Harrison
- Mr Neill
- Mr Scofield
- Miss Washington
- Miss Sneezby
- Mrs Dalton-Perry
- Mrs Johnson
Our experienced team of teaching assistants are based in the above classes but will move around within the department to ensure the students benefit from their expertise
Welcome to the working week in Key stage 4
The main aim of Key Stage 4 is preparing students for the next steps in their journey to our Key Stage 5 department or provision beyond West Lancashire Community High School. Our goal is to support our young people on their journey and guide them along their pathway so that will achieve their outcomes and reach their individual goals and aspirations.
We are a department of 3 classes and support a pupils with a wide range of backgrounds and needs.
Pupils are supported to transition from Key Stage 3 throughout the summer term in Year 9, transition programmes are individual to pupils depending on how much support they require. Pupils are then supported to transition to their next steps again in Year 11 at a level relevant to their needs.
Pastoral groups
Our Pastoral Groups are organised based on social groups and need. This ensures pupils are met in the morning with positive relationships and able to enjoy interactions with peers at an appropriate level ensuring they start their day positively. Each morning the groups all have a Thrive session with a focus on developing emotional resilience and supporting mental health.
English and maths groups
Pupils are streamed for English and Math to ensure they are accessing the curriculum at the most appropriate level. Within English they are grouped separately for reading as this is an area which can be a strength or weakness. This streaming ensures pupils are supported to follow the most appropriate curriculum which could be a life skills focus following ASDAN Transition Challenge, AQA unit awards or working towards Entry level and Step up to English accreditation. Where relevant we also offer Functional skills accreditation.
Each term we have a WOW day to introduce our English topic which provides pupils with concrete, memorable learning opportunities the aim is to inspire them for the topic a head.
We take a positive stance towards behaviour and reward positive interactions, choices and engagement in learning rather that sanctions. We work on a token system across the department with a focus on rewarding positivies. Pupils aim to work toward earning 5 tokens each week which allows them to access technology at break times on a Friday. Throughout the rest of the week during breaks there is no technology as the focus is on interactions and social skill development.
At the end of each half term there is a reward afternoon for pupils which they decide on as a department through assemblies. These have included film afternoons, community visits and themed activities.
Home/school books
Communication is important to us and all parents have access to teacher email addresses. Home/School books are a valuable method of communication but it is impossible to have a book for every student. This can be discussed directly with the teacher of your child. All of our teachers are accessible through email. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if an issue arises.
Evidence for Learning KS4
Why Evidence for Learning (EfL)?
How do we show progress?
Our learners are hardworking and amazing at what they do every day in school. Whilst we celebrate this individuality it does mean that there is no-one else like them to compare their progress with. We overcome this by comparing them to themselves and what they have shown us previously. This is an approach called “Ipsative Assessment”.
Evidence for Learning (EfL) allows us to capture examples of what learners can do and the range of circumstances they are able to do it in.
Evidence for Learning (EfL) allows us to track the progress each individual student is making towards their Personal Learning Goals (PLG’s)
A conversation about learning
Being able to share what we are seeing with parent/carers allows us to create learning conversations. It means that we can send home reports at the touch of a button and keep parent carers up to date on the latest of their child’s successes. It allows us to capture and share several “firsts” or “significant learning moments” with you.
A collaborative approach
We want to work with you to celebrate your child’s progress. You can login to your Parent Portal on any computer, tablet or phone that can access the internet. Once logged in you will be able to see the evidence that we have shared with you. You can also if you choose to upload pictures and videos and share them with us. We look forward to seeing some of the pictures and videos that you share with us.
The Family App
The Family App is a great way for you to follow the progress of your child. You can keep up to date on daily progress and also have access to progress documents too. The best part of the app is that you can upload your own evidence too. This allows you to capture moments outside of school that link to their learning goals in school. Sometimes you may wish to share a 'wow' moment with.
Guidelines and important things to remember
Photos and videos
Evidence usually takes the form of photographs and videos. We work hard to encapsulate the learning moment so that you can see what has taken place and the outcome we are working towards. All data in EfL is supported by the providers privacy policy and it is a closed system accessed only by our staff and the families of the children who evidence is being captured!
Evidence that we share
Do remember that not all pieces of evidence gathered will be shared. We will share the significant or key moments that we feel is appropriate to share with you. The evidence that we share may be as and when it happens, at regular intervals or within the end of term or academic reports.
Submitting evidence from home
We love to hear and to see how our learners get on when they are not with us, however, please be aware that teachers will not be able to respond to every image or comment as we are busy teaching your children. It is very important that we use Evidence for Learning to celebrate and record the successes of our students. The app is not a home/school link to be used to communicate between home and the teacher about behaviours or other ongoing issues. This will always be done through home/school link books, emails or telephone calls.
Support Booklet
Below is a help booklet for setting up the app. Before you start, you will need to make contact with your class team to ask to be set up and a link and password reset sent out to you. Once you have this, you can download, log in and get started.
KS4 Evidence for Learning - Guide For Parents
Attendance in Key Stage 4
Attendance at school is vital for the development of our students. Not only does school provide the academic and cognitive development that enables progress but also the social, emotional and communication development. School is the best place for a young person to be.
As a school we set ourselves a target percentage to work towards. We have taken into consideration the needs of our students and allowed flexibility for medical appointments or interventions. This year our benchmark is 92%. Students falling under that percentage across a half term will receive a letter asking you to make contact with school.
School has an Attendance Policy and procedures for absences. Click here
Parent/Carer information
Below is a copy of the parent guidance for attendance at West Lancashire Community High School and includes a breakdown of the procedures used in school.
If you are to receive an attendance letter, please do not worry, just make contact with the class team to arrange an informal meeting to discuss how we can support or what plans need to be put in place.
How we celebrate good attendance
In school we celebrate in a number of ways. We want to recognise when there has been a significant improvement. It isn't always about the 100%. Smaller steps are as valid and worth praise as much as the 100%.
We do recognise the 100% attendances every week in our class assemblies. Each student receives a certificate in recognition of their weekly attendance.
As a school, all 100% are recognised every term. Students are presented with a reward and a special certificate to recognise their achievements.
If you would like any further information please email me at gibbons@westlancs.lancs.sch.uk
School Council
Our school council is formed at the beginning of the school year when students volunteer for the role then are voted in by their peers. All school council members can be identified as they proudly wear their badges around school.
The school council have regular meetings to share feedback from their classes and organise charity fundraisers. They make important decisions and have an impact on decisions within school such are which charities to support, where to spend funds and they assist in interviews of staff.
The school council currently feed back to Mrs. Gibbons who then shares minutes with the staff team.
Next Steps and Celebrations
Year 11 pupils have the opportunity to participate in a two week work experience placement either supported or independently. Work is done with pupils throughout careers lessons to identify a suitable placement and pupils also have the opportunity to source their own placement. Past placements have included garden centres, cafes, pet shops, garages and the local library. Throughout the placement pupils work on the Skills builder areas developing listening skills, independence and teamwork alongside many other skills preparing for adulthood.
Year 11 pupils also have the opportunity to attend the Year 11 prom in the summer term. This is an opportunity to get dressed up and celebrate their success alongside their peers with a sit down meal followed by a dance. This will be held at a local restaurant to make it extra special.
Key Stage 4 offers a wide range of accreditation pathways across the department. Staff work closely with KS3 staff as part of the transition process to ensure pupils are following the most appropriate pathway for their individual journey.
All pupils have the opportunity to gain accreditation ranging from ASDAN Sensory Transition Challenge through to Functional skills.
The aim of the accreditation is being the preparation for the next steps in each pupils journey.
Welcome to our new KS4 Newsletter page !
Following the success of the previous 3 years of Key stage letters, we have started a fresh page for this year, so welcome to 2024 !
Welcome to key stage 4
In Key Stage 4 students are between 14 and 16 years of age. Our department is organised into three classes so students from years 10 and 11 are placed within the most appropriate group for their learning needs.
Our classes are:
4W - Mrs. Gibbons (Key stage Leader)
4L - Mrs. Rees (Assistant Key Stage Leader)
4C - Mrs. Higgins
4H - Miss Wilson
Students are supported by;
- Miss Wright
- Ms Brannigan
- Miss Shinner
- Mrs Waterworth
- Miss Molyneux
- Miss Shaw Williams
- Mrs Harrison
- Mr Neill
- Mr Scofield
- Miss Washington
- Miss Sneezby
- Mrs Dalton-Perry
- Mrs Johnson
Our experienced team of teaching assistants are based in the above classes but will move around within the department to ensure the students benefit from their expertise
Welcome to the working week in Key stage 4
The main aim of Key Stage 4 is preparing students for the next steps in their journey to our Key Stage 5 department or provision beyond West Lancashire Community High School. Our goal is to support our young people on their journey and guide them along their pathway so that will achieve their outcomes and reach their individual goals and aspirations.
We are a department of 3 classes and support a pupils with a wide range of backgrounds and needs.
Pupils are supported to transition from Key Stage 3 throughout the summer term in Year 9, transition programmes are individual to pupils depending on how much support they require. Pupils are then supported to transition to their next steps again in Year 11 at a level relevant to their needs.
Pastoral groups
Our Pastoral Groups are organised based on social groups and need. This ensures pupils are met in the morning with positive relationships and able to enjoy interactions with peers at an appropriate level ensuring they start their day positively. Each morning the groups all have a Thrive session with a focus on developing emotional resilience and supporting mental health.
English and maths groups
Pupils are streamed for English and Math to ensure they are accessing the curriculum at the most appropriate level. Within English they are grouped separately for reading as this is an area which can be a strength or weakness. This streaming ensures pupils are supported to follow the most appropriate curriculum which could be a life skills focus following ASDAN Transition Challenge, AQA unit awards or working towards Entry level and Step up to English accreditation. Where relevant we also offer Functional skills accreditation.
Each term we have a WOW day to introduce our English topic which provides pupils with concrete, memorable learning opportunities the aim is to inspire them for the topic a head.
We take a positive stance towards behaviour and reward positive interactions, choices and engagement in learning rather that sanctions. We work on a token system across the department with a focus on rewarding positivies. Pupils aim to work toward earning 5 tokens each week which allows them to access technology at break times on a Friday. Throughout the rest of the week during breaks there is no technology as the focus is on interactions and social skill development.
At the end of each half term there is a reward afternoon for pupils which they decide on as a department through assemblies. These have included film afternoons, community visits and themed activities.
Home/school books
Communication is important to us and all parents have access to teacher email addresses. Home/School books are a valuable method of communication but it is impossible to have a book for every student. This can be discussed directly with the teacher of your child. All of our teachers are accessible through email. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if an issue arises.
Evidence for Learning KS4
Why Evidence for Learning (EfL)?
How do we show progress?
Our learners are hardworking and amazing at what they do every day in school. Whilst we celebrate this individuality it does mean that there is no-one else like them to compare their progress with. We overcome this by comparing them to themselves and what they have shown us previously. This is an approach called “Ipsative Assessment”.
Evidence for Learning (EfL) allows us to capture examples of what learners can do and the range of circumstances they are able to do it in.
Evidence for Learning (EfL) allows us to track the progress each individual student is making towards their Personal Learning Goals (PLG’s)
A conversation about learning
Being able to share what we are seeing with parent/carers allows us to create learning conversations. It means that we can send home reports at the touch of a button and keep parent carers up to date on the latest of their child’s successes. It allows us to capture and share several “firsts” or “significant learning moments” with you.
A collaborative approach
We want to work with you to celebrate your child’s progress. You can login to your Parent Portal on any computer, tablet or phone that can access the internet. Once logged in you will be able to see the evidence that we have shared with you. You can also if you choose to upload pictures and videos and share them with us. We look forward to seeing some of the pictures and videos that you share with us.
The Family App
The Family App is a great way for you to follow the progress of your child. You can keep up to date on daily progress and also have access to progress documents too. The best part of the app is that you can upload your own evidence too. This allows you to capture moments outside of school that link to their learning goals in school. Sometimes you may wish to share a 'wow' moment with.
Guidelines and important things to remember
Photos and videos
Evidence usually takes the form of photographs and videos. We work hard to encapsulate the learning moment so that you can see what has taken place and the outcome we are working towards. All data in EfL is supported by the providers privacy policy and it is a closed system accessed only by our staff and the families of the children who evidence is being captured!
Evidence that we share
Do remember that not all pieces of evidence gathered will be shared. We will share the significant or key moments that we feel is appropriate to share with you. The evidence that we share may be as and when it happens, at regular intervals or within the end of term or academic reports.
Submitting evidence from home
We love to hear and to see how our learners get on when they are not with us, however, please be aware that teachers will not be able to respond to every image or comment as we are busy teaching your children. It is very important that we use Evidence for Learning to celebrate and record the successes of our students. The app is not a home/school link to be used to communicate between home and the teacher about behaviours or other ongoing issues. This will always be done through home/school link books, emails or telephone calls.
Support Booklet
Below is a help booklet for setting up the app. Before you start, you will need to make contact with your class team to ask to be set up and a link and password reset sent out to you. Once you have this, you can download, log in and get started.
KS4 Evidence for Learning - Guide For Parents
Attendance in Key Stage 4
Attendance at school is vital for the development of our students. Not only does school provide the academic and cognitive development that enables progress but also the social, emotional and communication development. School is the best place for a young person to be.
As a school we set ourselves a target percentage to work towards. We have taken into consideration the needs of our students and allowed flexibility for medical appointments or interventions. This year our benchmark is 92%. Students falling under that percentage across a half term will receive a letter asking you to make contact with school.
School has an Attendance Policy and procedures for absences. Click here
Parent/Carer information
Below is a copy of the parent guidance for attendance at West Lancashire Community High School and includes a breakdown of the procedures used in school.
If you are to receive an attendance letter, please do not worry, just make contact with the class team to arrange an informal meeting to discuss how we can support or what plans need to be put in place.
How we celebrate good attendance
In school we celebrate in a number of ways. We want to recognise when there has been a significant improvement. It isn't always about the 100%. Smaller steps are as valid and worth praise as much as the 100%.
We do recognise the 100% attendances every week in our class assemblies. Each student receives a certificate in recognition of their weekly attendance.
As a school, all 100% are recognised every term. Students are presented with a reward and a special certificate to recognise their achievements.
If you would like any further information please email me at gibbons@westlancs.lancs.sch.uk
School Council
Our school council is formed at the beginning of the school year when students volunteer for the role then are voted in by their peers. All school council members can be identified as they proudly wear their badges around school.
The school council have regular meetings to share feedback from their classes and organise charity fundraisers. They make important decisions and have an impact on decisions within school such are which charities to support, where to spend funds and they assist in interviews of staff.
The school council currently feed back to Mrs. Gibbons who then shares minutes with the staff team.
Next Steps and Celebrations
Year 11 pupils have the opportunity to participate in a two week work experience placement either supported or independently. Work is done with pupils throughout careers lessons to identify a suitable placement and pupils also have the opportunity to source their own placement. Past placements have included garden centres, cafes, pet shops, garages and the local library. Throughout the placement pupils work on the Skills builder areas developing listening skills, independence and teamwork alongside many other skills preparing for adulthood.
Year 11 pupils also have the opportunity to attend the Year 11 prom in the summer term. This is an opportunity to get dressed up and celebrate their success alongside their peers with a sit down meal followed by a dance. This will be held at a local restaurant to make it extra special.
Key Stage 4 offers a wide range of accreditation pathways across the department. Staff work closely with KS3 staff as part of the transition process to ensure pupils are following the most appropriate pathway for their individual journey.
All pupils have the opportunity to gain accreditation ranging from ASDAN Sensory Transition Challenge through to Functional skills.
The aim of the accreditation is being the preparation for the next steps in each pupils journey.
Welcome to our new KS4 Newsletter page !
Following the success of the previous 3 years of Key stage letters, we have started a fresh page for this year, so welcome to 2024 !
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