Image of 3S visit to Twinkle House
3 July 2024

3S visit to Twinkle House

3S celebrated the end of the school year, before some of their friends and staff move on to their new classes. 

Everyone had an amazing morning at Twinkle House before having drinks and snacks at The Beacon Cafe.

At Twinkle House, students convene,

In the Soft Play room, so cozy and…

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Image of KS3H having fun in Computing
14 June 2024

KS3H having fun in Computing

3H students loved their Computing lesson this week.  They used their iPads to control cars around a track.  

Young students with iPads in hand,

Made toy cars obey their commands.

In a race they would steer,

With a cheer and a jeer,

Tech racers in a virtual…

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Image of 3S Sensory Story of 'Man on the Moon'
12 June 2024

3S Sensory Story of 'Man on the Moon'

KS3S students loved their Sensory Story today.  This term's book is Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram.


A group of young students did swoon,

In a sensory tale just before Noon,

With textures and sound,

Magic all around,

They felt like they'd flown to the…

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Image of 3S visit to the library
23 May 2024

3S visit to the library

KS3S really enjoyed their visit to the library as part of their ASDAN lesson.  

A group of young students with glee,

To the library for some Literacy,

They explored every shelf,

And each found a book for them self,

Now they're reading as proud as can…

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Image of KS3S - Bikes
26 April 2024

KS3S - Bikes

KS3S had great fun using the bikes on Friday..... 

In the yard, students bike with glee,

Their laughter rings out, wild and free.

Round and round they go,

With smiles all aglow,

In the yard, happiness is the key!


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Image of KS3H training like Astronauts
24 April 2024

KS3H training like Astronauts

Students from KS3H had a great time on Wednesday, when they Trained like Astronauts.  They completed the obstacle course before blasting aliens with rockets.


In PE, students trained without fear,

Astronauts-to-be, with missions clear.

Their rockets took flight,

In the dark…

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Image of KS5L at Up Holland
4 April 2024

KS5L at Up Holland

Last Thursday, KS5L performed at Up Holland High School. 

We were performing as part of the Arts Festival “Kaleidoscope”, in front of a huge audience.

We overcame stage fright, performing in public and going to a new venue. 

We were all extremely brave, talented and Stars of the…

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Image of 3H and 3S visit to Midstream Cafe
15 March 2024

3H and 3S visit to Midstream Cafe

On Thursday mornings, both 3H and 3S have community visits.  Last week, both classes visited Midstream Cafe.  It was great to see both classes together.

At Midstream Cafe, students convene,

For a break from the academic scene.

With drinks and snacks in hand,

They form a merry band,…

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Image of 3S Litter Picking
14 March 2024

3S Litter Picking

Last week, KS3S combined a visit to the park with litter picking.

In the park, students took up the chore,

To pick up the litter, galore.

With passion and zest,

They cleaned up the mess,

Leaving nature applauding for more!


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Image of 3H - Computing - Robotics
3 March 2024

3H - Computing - Robotics

One of 3H students' favourite lessons of the week is Computing with Mr Croft.  This week they were learning how to programme Bee Bots and Sphero Indi.


There once were some students so keen,

With Bee Bots, they formed quite a team.

They coded and played,

With robots, they…

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Image of 3S Beacon visit
1 February 2024

3S Beacon visit

For their Learning Outside The Classroom lesson, 3S visited the Coppice Cafe and play area at Beacon County Park.  After a bite to eat and drink, they had lots of fun in the play area.....a great time was had by all.

There once were some students so bright,

Who hit the Coppice Cafe for a…

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Image of 3H - PE - Treasure Hunt
24 January 2024

3H - PE - Treasure Hunt

3H had a great time in their PE lesson.  They started the session playing some parachute games before taking part in a treasure hunt, to help them develop their map-reading skills.

There once were some students, so bright,

They played parachute games with delight.

In a treasure hunt…

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