We really enjoyed practicing our football skills today. We did some stretches, then played team games before trying to move the footballs around the cones to score a goal.
KS4L- Mathematics
Miss Wilson’s maths class used their problem solving skills to practice using column method in a range of contexts.
KS3A Supertato
This week we have been Reading all about Supertato - Eviltato vs Superpea. In this story Supertato turns bad and evil pea turns good. All was resolved with a HUG ATTACK. The students loved listening to the story and then gave Mrs Reynolds a HUG ATTACK themselves! We then decorated our own…
KS5W first week of term!
KS5W have enjoyed a fun filled first full week of term. Meeting lots of new faces, new teacher miss Dickinson and new class friends. We have had a mile walk, enjoyed a day at one vision, played class games, enjoyed lots of music and sensory fun and have made some delicious food and treats for…
Ready, steady… GO!
Students in KS3S have enjoyed participating in activities linked to their core word of the week “go”! Students responded to and used the word “go” in a range of contexts including bubbles, glow and go robot, spinning towers and cars. Students will carry on being exposed to the word “go” over the…
Thriving in KS3W
KS3W enjoyed thinking about all the things that made them feel calm and happy such as family, friends, favourite food and hobbies. They made a sand jar as a keepsake to remind them.
KS4W RE with Miss Rees
KS4W enjoyed their first RE and MFL lesson with Miss Rees today. For RE we learnt about different festivals and what foods are enjoyed within different celebrations. Students discussed some of the foods they liked and disliked, and then shared with classmates the work they produced.
KS3C Internet Safety
Students from KS3C had a computer lesson learning about social media and how to be safe online. Students were able to identify popular social media sites and what they are used for. KS3C took part in tasks related to age restrictions, matching app to logo and dingbat (say what you see). All…
KS3C Music
KS3C students enjoyed learning about carnival music and putting their own beats together. They also experienced being able to use body percussion to create music.
KS3C Creative Writing
KS3C had a morning of creative writing. Each student was given a picture with helpful words to assist them to create their own story based on what they see. Each student described what they could see, decide on where there story will be set and what characters would be in their stories.
KS3C Sensory Circuits
Students from KS5C enjoyed creating and putting together their own sensory circuits to help them when they are overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and unsure of how they may be feeling. Each student selected their own exercises or sensory items which they find helps them, cut and laminated them,…
Week 1 in KS3S
Students and staff in KS3S have had a fabulous first week in school. We have enjoyed playing outside, exploring our new environment, visiting the park, making aeroplane crafts and engaging in a sensory story - My Granny went to market. We have made lots of new friends and can't wait for our first…