DofE Photography
As part of their DofE Skills Section, KS5H have enjoyed working on a photography project. We have explored different photography genres, researched famous photographers and tried different photography and editing techniques to make interesting and creative images. Here’s a small selection of the…
KS5W 3D shapes
KS5W had great fun today looking at different 3D shapes and trying to match them to everyday objects.
KS4- Flatbread Pizza
Pupils in KS4 enjoyed making flatbread pizzas in DT. Pupils followed a visual recipe and with support from staff cooked their pizzas.
Design Technology
Students in KS4 working hard in their Design Technology lesson working on creating 3D shapes. Students
KS4L Music Makers
Pupils in KS4L enjoyed watching the vibrations of sound by experimenting with rice on a drum. Pupils also learnt about sound waves by using a variety of musical instruments to investigate pitch and sound.
KS5L Lunch in Unit
KS5L chose to celebrate Chinese new year by making sweet and sour chicken noodles and jam turnovers. All the students took part in making something towards the final dish. Some students chopped vegetables, others chopped chicken, whilst another team made jam turnovers.
Braille Games
One of our pupils working with her VI Specialist on her phonic sounds using pictures and Braille.
Science Temperatures
Students in KS4C worked as a team to take each others temperatures, estimate the reading then document their findings. It was a fun pack lesson. Great team work.
KS4W Maths Lesson
This term we have been working on length and capacity. In today’s lesson, students drew around their hands and feet and cut them out. They then used their cutouts to measure how many hands/feet different objects were around school.
KS4W sensory story “The Querks”
During our Friday afternoon lesson, KS4W enjoyed a sensory story called The Querks. The students took part playing different characters in the story and really enjoyed it. We then had a class discussion about what makes us all different and unique.
Preston North End Gym Visit
Every Wednesday, a group of students take part in their Preston North End program which consists of theory work followed by sports. This week they visited a local gym to complete fitness circuits as part of their accreditations.
Australia Day
Key Stage 5 S had a great day celebrating Australia Day. We made didgeridoos and enjoyed listening to and playing instruments along to Australia themed music.