KS5L Lunch in unit
KS5L have been busy in the kitchen making chicken pesto pasta with garlic bread and homemade apple crumble and custard/icecream. All the students were actively involved in creating the meal which they ate at lunch time. The students used many skills to create their meal, this involved chopping,…
KS5W Fine Motor Skills
Today a student from KS5W was practicing their fine motor skills and even did this independently for 5 minutes. He loved being able to complete the task before the timer had finished and he continued to do this activity multiple times as he said he enjoyed it so much.
KS5W Music Therapy
KS5W loved their first music therapy session today. What a lovely way to end the week.
KS5W Immersive Therapy
For period 6 KS5W went to the immersive room for some guided meditation and relaxation after working hard all day. They explored London and then a forest with animals.
KS3S students in their Music Therapy sessions
On Friday, some of our KS3S students had brilliant sessions with our Music Therapist.
3S students with delight,
In Music Therapy, played so bright.
On drums and keyboards they'd soar,
Creating tunes galore,
A therapeutic beat, pure and light!
KS3L Weekly Reflection - 19.1.24
Students in KS3L have spent some time this afternoon looking at themselves and thinking about all of the things that make them unique. They have focussed in particular on things that they enjoy doing and the people that are important to them.
KS4W Wizard of Oz
KS4W’s English topic this term is the Wizard of Oz. The students enjoy a sensory story before watching some clips of the film. In today’s lesson, we all went to Oz and followed the yellow brick road!
KS5W Shape Art
During a Maths session the students were asked to make pictures using shapes. Our students loved doing this activity and made lots of lovely pictures. They made a car, a rocket, a cake and even began to make faces. The students were also able to communicate to each other and to staff what shapes…
3H's visit to the Southport Eco Centre
On Thursday, students from KS3H and W visited the Southport Eco Centre and learnt about Renewable Energy.
In Southport, the students took a ride,
To the Eco Centre, beaming with pride.
With solar panels so bright,
They learned of the light,
Renewable energy, their…
KS4 watercolour art lesson
Students have been experimenting with water colour learning how to mix and create new colours they will be using these new skills over the term to create different patterns with.
Wake up to writing
Students in KS4 using their Fine/Gross Motor skills to wake up their Bodie, mind and hands before we start handwriting practice.
Fun is had by all and everyone is ready to work.
New Braille
Casey has started work on her new Electronic Braille Note. Casey works each week with her VI {Visual Impairment} Specialist Sharon, not only with her Braille but with all the conjunctions that come with it {Braille Shorthand}.
It takes a lot of concentration and skill so Casey is continuing to…