Making Millilitre Mocktails in Maths!
Students in KS3L enjoyed making Mocktails in their functional maths lesson today. They were challenged to design a mocktail that was exactly 250ml in capacity. It was lots of fun!
Motor Activity Training Programme
Students in the MATP/MOVE intervention thoroughly enjoyed playing a range of games this morning aimed at developing their motor skills and core strength.
KS4W Art - exploring print making
We have been enjoying exploring different ways of making prints. We began with leaf prints, then used our fingers and have moved on to using blocks of styrofoam. It has been great for our learners to experience how the colours change when adding different paints.
⭐️ Home Learning Super Star ⭐️
A huge well done to one of our students who has completed all of her home learning challenges this week. Fantastic work.
Making Grass Heads
Ks4 Horticulture students enjoyed making their own grass heads. They followed step by step instructions.
KS3 Home Learning
Well done to some of our KS3 students who are having to work at home this week and have been completing different challenges. Preparing their own lunch, organising shopping, accessing the community and looking after house plants. Fantastic work - keep it up!