Our week in KS3S (week beginning 24th Feb)
This week we’ve finally seen the signs of Spring and spent Monday afternoon outside collecting leaves to do leaf rubbings as part of Topic learning. We’ve been practicing our counting and sorting skills, and continued to build on our communication. In MATP we enjoyed developing our gross motor…
Our week in KS3S
This week our core word of the week was “again”, and we responded to and used the word in lots of ways. We’ve also practiced our counting skills, visited the park, made Valentines cards, went out on the bikes and made some sheep themed crafts.
Happy half term…
Our week in KS3S
This week we’ve continued to work on our communication skills, with a focus on the core word “you”. Students have also been out on the bikes, gone swimming and fed our lovely pet guinea pigs! We have also made some pig themed crafts and images, and particularly loved our messy “pigs in mud” tuff…
This week in KS3S
We’ve packed our week full of lots of activities, many of which were new experiences for us, such as trying our wheelchair rugby and visiting the small animals room to feed the guinea pigs. Students have also enjoyed swimming, going on the bikes, maths, sensory story, communication games and…
KS3C pe
KS3C enjoyed learning about how to play basketball for their PE lesson and also the importance of having to warm up before play. All students enjoyed being involved and using their teamwork and problem solving skills to be able to score points.
KS3C have taken part in a panathlon at banks hub centre competing against other high schools from the area. All students had a wonderful time taking part in circuit activities and competing for points to win medals. A good day was had by all and KS3C represented west Lancashire community high…
Our week in KS3S
This week we visited Apple Cast Farm, park and cafe. We’ve also been out in the adaptive bikes, made farm themed crafts, enjoyed TacPac and a sensory story in the immersive room, and continued practicing our numbers skills in maths.
KS3C music 20.1.25
Students from KS3C have enjoyed their music lesson by creating sounds of winter with various musical instruments by listening to Vivaldi 4 seasons winter to become inspired and created their own winter scenes by drawing images.
This week in KS3S
This week we have been learning all about cows! Students made a cow craft and have been developing their motor skills through “milking” activities. Students have also followed 3 step instructions to make a milkshake. We’ve also been out on the bikes and practiced our counting skills.
KS3S first week back - Farm to Fork
Students in 3S have had a brilliant first week back, beginning their new topic - “Farm to Fork”. Students enjoyed dressing up as a farmer and participating in fine motor activities linked to a farmer’s job. They also completed some Farm themed maths activities with Mr Machaj, started their new…
Christmas dinner in KS3S
KS3S really enjoyed our Christmas dinner today. We even got a visit from a cheeky elf!
Our week in KS3S
We’ve had an amazing week in KS3S enjoying making jam tarts with Mr Machaj, MATP, bikes, maths games, and listening to our sensory story “Stick Man”. We’ve also visited The Beacon and enjoyed watching our friends perform in the Christmas show for their dress rehearsal performance.