Escalators 24.3.25
Casey again worked with her tutor Carla to learn how to go up and down escalators safely.
Casey is Visually Impaired and she found this task the hardest but in true Casey style she faced her fears and with guidance and help from Carla, listening and following all instructions, Casey mastered…
Stairs 24.3.25
Casey {Visually Impaired} has also been working with her tutor to learn how to go up and down stairs properly using her cane.
Casey was a little nervous as the stairs were steep but Casey used her confidence to overcome this and complete the task.
Again Casey asked the right questions and…
Casey has been working with her Tutor to learn how to use Escalators in the community as Casey is Visually Impaired.
Casey asked lots of questions and followed all her instructions, completing the task to helps Casey be more independent in the future.
KS4 CLL ClubTopic
Students in KS4 used their CLL lesson to discuss what they would like to do in their club time.
Students had a really good discussion on what would be needed, what it would cost, who would like it.
This was a task which they are working towards scores in their Gold Paper Exam.
Cycle kids 13.3.25
Students from KS4C enjoyed a refreshing ride around the cycle track on the bikes. Students worked as a team, took turns and encouraged their friends. Great fun was had by all.
Pet WOW Day
Students in KS4 used their sewing skills to make puppet animals as part of our WOW
Physical Education10.3.25
Students in KS4 enjoyed a P.E lesson in the sunshine, practicing their techniques for Basketball/Netball. They all did a fantastic job raising their heartrate.
Social Communication 7.3.25
Students from KS4 have been enjoying working as a group doing social communication games.
Braille Tuition
Casey has been working hard with her Tutors on her Braille work.
Casey is continuing to improve every week learning new contractions.
Clubs KS4
Students from KS4 have been enjoying working in different clubs during their lunch club. Great fun.
Life skills Habilitation
Casey worked with Carla to learn how to use on oven as part of her Life Skills session.
With Casey being visually Impaired using the equipment and appliances where adapted to make things more independent for Casey to use.
Coloured Sticker dots used on the oven dial, silicone bar strips used…
Braille Names
Casey is a Visually Impaired student who has helped her class friends by typing their names in Braille and adding them to their work books.
This has helped Casey feel more inclusive with in the class and her friends have asked about the Braille work does which will help her in her future.