23 November 2023

KS5S Shopping in Asda

KS5S have been going out into the community.  Today they bought money in from home and we went to Asda.  Most students picked an item to buy and used their own money to pay for it.  They all put the money in the till and waited for their change.

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Image of KS5W Confidence in using public transport.
23 November 2023

KS5W Confidence in using public transport.

KS5W loved experiencing travelling on the public bus today. All students carried their own Now cards and scanned them to gain access to the bus. They each thanked the driver, sat down and followed instructions while representing the school through modelling excellent behaviour. Well…

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Image of KS5C Lunch in unit
23 November 2023

KS5C Lunch in unit

On Tuesday 21st November KS5C were making burgers, wedges and beans for their lunch. For desert they make Crème Brûlée. The students made their own burgers using herbs and spices, beef mince, egg and bread crumbs before placing them in to a burger mould and cooking them in the oven. For the Crème…

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Image of KS5C Lunch in unit
23 November 2023

KS5C Lunch in unit

On Tuesday 21st November KS5C were making burgers, wedges and beans for their lunch. For desert they make Crème Brûlée. The students made their own burgers using herbs and spices, beef mince, egg and bread crumbs before placing them in to a burger mould and cooking them in the oven. For the Crème…

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Image of KS5W Lunch in Unit 22.11.2023
23 November 2023

KS5W Lunch in Unit 22.11.2023

On Wednesday 22nd November KS5W prepared sausage and mash for their lunch. Students worked in small groups to prepare their own lunch. Each student peeled potatoes, boiled and mashed them, they placed the sausages on a tray and put them in the oven, they heated beans or peas to put with their…

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Image of Be Seen Be Safe KS4W
23 November 2023

Be Seen Be Safe KS4W

KS4W Have been learning how to stay safe on the road wearing bright clothing.  We used a traffic light system on the road and spent time taking turns spotting our friends.


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Image of MOVE training
22 November 2023

MOVE training

Mrs Gibbons is on a MOVE conference today keeping up with current research and looking at ways we can continue to support our pupils to develop their physical skills.

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Image of 3S - Celebrating Thailand's Songkran Festival
21 November 2023

3S - Celebrating Thailand's Songkran Festival

This week, 3S learned about Thailand's Songkran Festival before using their word of the week 'Colour', and water pistols to help spray paint onto an elephant.

Students learned of Songkran's fun day,

Colours on elephants, they sprayed.

With its trunk raised up high,

Underneath a…

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Image of Be Safe, Be Seen -KS4L
20 November 2023

Be Safe, Be Seen -KS4L

In KS4L pupils have been completing their Science: Crest Star Award. Pupil’s looked at the reflectiveness and visibility of a range of materials and decided which would be the best to wear when out in the dark. The class then came up with strategies on how to be safe in the community both during…

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Image of KS5W Music Making
20 November 2023

KS5W Music Making

We had another superb music session today. We are learning to play Jingle Bells using coloured notes and the letters of the notes. We practiced our songs for the panto and finished off the afternoon listening to relaxing music in the immersive room. What a lovely afternoon. 

Skills builder…

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Image of KS5L Lunch in unit
20 November 2023

KS5L Lunch in unit

On Monday 20th of November our KS5L class made homemade burgers, homemade onion rings, coleslaw, and sliced tomatoes with mini potato waffles for their main and made a tea cake bread and butter pudding using toasted tea cakes, Jam and custard. All the students worked together to create their…

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Image of KS5L Wigan Warriors
20 November 2023

KS5L Wigan Warriors

On Monday 20th of November Wigan Warriors came in to KS5L and got the students involved in sports. They were in teams and competed against each other in curling, botcha and balloon volleyball. The students enjoyed taking part and found it extremely funny when the balloon popped.


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