3S - Attention Autism
Mrs Seery often uses Attention Autism at the start of lessons. Attention Autism helps students to build there attention and focus through highly engaging, visual activities.
Mrs. Seery, with so much flair,
Did Attention Autism with great care.
The kids, in a spree,
Melted the…
Slime time in KS3L
Today in KS3L, students and staff enjoyed making some slime!
Levi - I liked mixing it together. I made red slime using red food dye.
Alfie - I put glitter in mine and red food dye.
Josh - I stirred a powder in and light blue food colouring. It worked well and is stretchy.
Joe - I like…
KS5W Polar Express Day
We have been reading The Polar Express this term and today we have enjoyed a Polar Express day. We started with Polar Express themed maths and then after preparing and eating party food for our lunch, we put on our onesies and dressing gowns and climbed aboard the Polar Express. We had a special…
Drummer Girl
Miss Wright having lots of fun playing with the Naughty Elf's Present to KS4C.
Sophia white from Antarctica New Zealand ks4 visit
Students in KS4 have been learning about Antarctica today, we have enjoyed a special visit from Sophia White, Environmental Manager for Antarctica New Zealand who shared her experiences of her time in Antarctica in an interactive presentation.
Students developed their understanding of animals,…
KS4L: Maths in the community
KS4L enjoyed practicing their personal learning goals and finding a range of numbers in the community. Pupils practiced their money skills by paying for items and waiting for their change.
One Vision talent show
KS5W go to One Vision studios every Tuesday. This morning they performed their ABBA routine in front of members and staff at One Vision. They all performed really well and got a very loud clap from the audience.
Well done KS5W
KS5H Environmental walk
KS5H have been studying pollution and decided to focus on surveying litter in their local environment. They created their own survey and completed their walk today. Everybody was shocked at how much litter was left close to people’s houses and by the lack of bins. We counted only 3 on our 40…
MOVE Intervention
The MOVE Programme is an activity-based framework that enables disabled young people to gain independent sitting, standing, walking and transferring skills. Every Friday morning, a small group of students take part in our MOVE intervention completing different activities and circuits to help them…
The Beat Boys
Some of our students from KS4 loved what the Naughty Elf delivered to KS4C class today. A full drum set. The students loved it {and the staff}. Great fun for all. Thank you Naughty Elf!
3H - Snowmen biscuits
Last week, 3H students had fun making melted Snowmen biscuits.....
On Digestives, snowmen were made,
Marshmallow heads, well displayed,
Rolo hats perched just right,
In the fridge, over night,
Chilly treats that no one could evade!
3S - 10 Coke Bottles - Learning 'One Less'
3S students learned 'One Less' using 10 Coke bottles, sitting on a bench.
Ten bottles lined up for the crew,
Mentos dropped in and the fizz grew,
With each explosive pop,
They subtracted a drop,
Nine left—learning 'one less,' they…