Image of KS4 watercolour art lesson
17 January 2024

KS4 watercolour art lesson

Students have been experimenting with water colour learning how to mix and create new colours they will be using these new skills over the term to create different patterns with. 

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Image of Wake up to writing
16 January 2024

Wake up to writing

Students in KS4 using their Fine/Gross Motor skills to wake up their Bodie, mind and hands before we start handwriting practice.

Fun is had by all and everyone is ready to work.

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Image of New Braille
16 January 2024

New Braille

Casey has started work on her new Electronic Braille Note. Casey works each week with her VI {Visual Impairment} Specialist Sharon, not only with her Braille but with all the conjunctions that come with it {Braille Shorthand}.

It takes a lot of concentration and skill so Casey is continuing to…

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Image of KS4W mini beast hunt
15 January 2024

KS4W mini beast hunt

During our science lesson, KS4W enjoyed a quiz to identify the mini beasts on screen. They then popped on their goggles and magnifying glasses to go on a hunt for their very own mini beasts. 


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Image of KS4L: Library Visit
15 January 2024

KS4L: Library Visit

Students in KS4L developed their love for reading at the library. Students chose their favourite books and read these with their friends. Students then discussed what the liked and didn’t like about the books.


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12 January 2024

KS5W Lunch in unit

Students have been continuing with learning how to make a sandwich. They have been practicing their spreading skills and the skill of following instructions. 

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Image of KS3L Weekly Reflection
12 January 2024

KS3L Weekly Reflection

KS3L have had a very positive week and worked really hard. They have shared what they have been doing below. 


Alfie - I liked making the rocky road in maths 

Levi - I liked making the rocky road in maths too.

Toni - We did Computing and did an Internet safety game.

Jamie - I…

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11 January 2024

KS5W English

During KS5W’s English lesson, they were introducing themselves to their group and sharing information about themselves, such as, what their favourite colour was, which town they lived in, how many pets they have and then choosing a question of their own to ask their friend in their group. The…

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Image of KS5C Lunch in Unit
11 January 2024

KS5C Lunch in Unit

KS5C class made pasta bolognese and jam turnovers for their lunch in unit. They enjoyed making their meal from scratch with team members. They enjoyed rolling pastry and making their jam turnovers. The other group liked making the sauce for their pasta bolognese. 


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Image of KS5S Bear Hunt
11 January 2024

KS5S Bear Hunt

KS5S read the story Going on a bear hunt, our class then went to search for our bear which had been hidden somewhere in school. The students asked members of staff around the school if they had seen the bear and were able to locate the bear in the school office. The students had lots of fun and…

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Image of KS4: Sprinkle Cookies
11 January 2024

KS4: Sprinkle Cookies

In DT, KS4 pupils enjoyed making different coloured sprinkle cookies. 
Pupils followed a visual recipe and used food colouring and sprinkles to make their shortbread extra delicious!


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Image of KS5 H Gym
11 January 2024

KS5 H Gym

KS5 H used public transport to get to the gym. At the gym all the students took part and were very engaged throughout the session. They also helped and encouraged each other showing teamwork skills. 

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