KS4W Boomwhackers
KS4W have been learning about Eid and how fireworks are used to celebrate the end of Ramadan. We used the Boomwhackers to play along to the song ‘Firework’ and watched some videos before choosing a song each to play along to.
This week KS5L enjoyed making homemade pizza’s and chocolate chip cookies In lunch in unit. The students really enjoyed making their own pizza dough, the skills they used were weighing, measuring and chopping.
Tuck shop intervention KS5C 10.3.24-15.3.24
Students from KS5C have been taking part in tuck shop intervention with counting and selling stock to fellow students at break time. This is helping the students to develop skills with communication and with numeracy.
KS5W Music 15.3.24
KS5W have enjoyed working with our music therapist, learning new songs and playing all different instruments. This is a lesson the students are so excited for every Friday and all have a turn at doing something new each week.
KS5W Cafe Visit
KS5W loved visiting the cafe recently. They looked after their own wallets, chose their drinks, paid for them using their money, kept hold of the receipts and used good communication skills when engaging with the person at the checkout. Well done!!
KS3L Friday Reflection - 15.3.24
This week in KS3L, students in KS3L have focussed hard on their Personal Learning Goals. They learned about hurricanes in Science, performing an experiment to simulate a hurricane, using food colouring and water in a cup. On Friday, Intervention couldn’t take place but they enjoyed taking part in…
Speke Hall
Students from the KS4 Art group made a visit to Speke Hall to look at the Wallpaper Designs of the Artist William Morris. The students were given the tasks to find the work within the building and sketch what they had found, alongside finding out any interesting facts. All students were polite and…
KS5W Red Nose Day activities
KS5W have been creating their own red noses for Red Nose Day. They completed mazes, red noses and colouring pictures.
KS5 L2/3 English Group Library Visit
Students enjoyed visiting the school library to explore the variety of books on offer. Some students had the chance to listen to a story being read to them.
KS5W Intervention 15/3/24
KS5W have been practicing their fine motor skills by turning pages within books, learning to tie shoes laces, matching right colours to the right bowls and practicing small fastening like buttons and tags.
3H and 3S visit to Midstream Cafe
On Thursday mornings, both 3H and 3S have community visits. Last week, both classes visited Midstream Cafe. It was great to see both classes together.
At Midstream Cafe, students convene,
For a break from the academic scene.
With drinks and snacks in hand,
They form a merry band,…
Squiggle while you wiggle!
Students in KS3S have built up their skills ready to start ‘Squiggle while you wiggle’, which is a program designed to link movement and music to making marks. Today we focused on moving our hands “up” to the sky. Each week students will build up different movements until they are ready to move to…