KS5 C Gym and Swim
Today KS5 C went to Nye Bevan Gym. All the students were engaged throughout their gyms sessions, continuing to improve each week.
KS5W Music making and pantomime practice
KS5W continued learning to play the glockenspiel this week. And had lots of fun practicing the songs for the forthcoming pantomime…
Oh no they didn’t!!!
Oh yes they did!!!
3S Are Go!
Six students in class, on the Go!,
Balloons and cars, a lively show.
With the word "Go!" in the air,
Balloons soared with flair,
Remote cars and Bee Bots fast and slow!
This week, 3S students have been using balloons, Bee Bots, remote controlled cars and Marble Run, to learn the…
KS4W Community maths lesson
Students in KS4W enjoyed a community visit to the shops to buy some stock for our friday tuck shop. Students were each given the name of the item they had to find then they used money to pay for their items at the checkouts. On route to the shops students also had to find numbers within the…
KS4W Myths & Legends
The topic for English during our first term has been Myths and Legends in KS4W. We have read the story of ‘Romulus & Remus’, and even acted it out with props. Our students also enjoyed a really tasty Roman feast, using our senses to smell and taste different foods.
KS4 Thrive
KS4 have been playing a silly game for Thrive mornings. The headband guessing game has been a big hit with students.
Not all Experiments go to plan!
With Bonfire night in mind KS4 Humanities experimented with food colouring, milk & washing up liquid to create an explosion of colour to look like a firework.
We learned that even when following step by step instructions the type of food colouring used was very important as this impacted the…
KS4L Oobleck Fun
Students in Miss Wilson’s Science class had fun making Oobleck to test different states of matter. They found out that Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid and got very messy!
Braille Work
Our KS4 student has been working hard today on Braille Work with her VI Specialist ,this is a great help to work within the classroom.
KS4 ‘Ghost Afraid of the Dark’ immersive experience
In Miss Wilson’s Communication, Literacy and Language (CLL) lesson students having been following a ‘talk for writing’ framework and acted out key points from their class text “Ghost Afraid of the Dark”.
Student’s helped Boo the Ghost to not be afraid of the dark by: making a witch’s…
Autism And Me
In Autism & Me we have been looking at what makes us ‘Unique’. This week we have been focusing on our talents.