KS5W Immersive Room
We loved our time in the immersive room. First, we looked at the planets, then the changing seasons and finally relaxed to music while being under the water. A lovely immersive experience.
3H Pumpkin Fun
Eight students, their skills on display,
Carved pumpkins on an autumn's day.
With laughter and fun,
When their carving was done,
They cooked pumpkin soup in a tasty array!
Our School Prefects
Congratulations to our some of our KS4 students who were appointed as our school prefects. All students were separately interviewed by Mr Fazackerley and Mrs Holcroft.
We are all very proud of you!
Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl
Congratulations to our newly appointed Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy. West Lancashire Community High School are proud of you both!
Head Boy and Head Girl
Today we celebrate our new Head Boy and Head Girl. Congratulations, we hope you enjoy your new role and responsibilities this year!
KS5W Lunch in Unit 1st November 2023
We loved cooking our cheesy ham and broccoli pasta today. The banoffee pie was delicious too. All students helped with the meal preparation and with the washing up and tidying away.
KS5W British Values Voting for Student and Eco Council
Students enjoyed learning about the role of the student and eco council representatives. They learned about voting and then took part in an election for student and eco council. They voted using their ballot papers.
KS5W Lunch in Unit 18/10/23
Another triumph in the kitchen this week. KS5W loved making pizza bases and then they chose and added their toppings. They also made a beautiful mint chocolate Aero cheesecake. They were both delicious. Afterwards everyone helped with tidying up. What a lovely…
KS5H PDP Vandalism or Art?
KS5H have been learning about graffiti and considering if it is street art or vandalism. They have researched this area, looked at graffiti in their locality and surveyed their peers for their thoughts. They have created their own graffiti for a display.