Image of Key Stage 4 Bowling
17 March 2022

Key Stage 4 Bowling

Today a group of students from Key Stage Four enjoyed a fabulous morning ten pin bowling.  

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16 March 2022

KS5W Science week

KS5W took part in science activities for Science week.  They made seed bombs, used sensory bags and made cardboard models.

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Image of Happy Birthday
16 March 2022

Happy Birthday

Happy 16th Birthday to Kai, who has picked a Sherlock Holmes thriller for his birthday book from school.

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Image of KS4 Art
10 March 2022

KS4 Art

Art students recreating Wassily Kandinsky- 1913 Squares with Concentric Circles.

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Image of Converting weight
8 March 2022

Converting weight

This morning in maths  KS4 students learnt how to convert grams into kilograms.

We then went on a treasure hunt to find items that weighed different weights.

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Image of Loud and soft sounds
8 March 2022

Loud and soft sounds

Today in Science we have been learning about how sound works. We listened to loud and soft sounds. Then we used different instruments to make our own sounds. 

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Image of World Book Day Abandoned Due to KS4 Having to Solve a Serious Crime
3 March 2022

World Book Day Abandoned Due to KS4 Having to Solve a Serious Crime

Today, students in KS4 walked into a horrendous crime scene. They quickly had to work as a team and get their detectives heads on! They assessed the crime scene, looked at the evidence and interrogated the suspects. After carefully assessing all evidence they made an arrest by the end of the…

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Image of Farm to Fork - Making soup
2 March 2022

Farm to Fork - Making soup

Students in KS3S have enjoyed learning about how plants can be eaten and provide us with food. Today they picked vegetables from the soil, washed them, chopped them, and followed a recipe to make vegetable soup. Great team work!


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Image of Making Millilitre Mocktails in Maths!
11 February 2022

Making Millilitre Mocktails in Maths!

Students in KS3L enjoyed making Mocktails in their functional maths lesson today. They were challenged to design a mocktail that was exactly 250ml in capacity. It was lots of fun! 


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Image of Motor Activity Training Programme
11 February 2022

Motor Activity Training Programme

Students in the MATP/MOVE intervention thoroughly enjoyed playing a range of games this morning aimed at developing their motor skills and core strength.


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Image of KS4W Art - exploring print making
9 February 2022

KS4W Art - exploring print making

We have been enjoying exploring different ways of making prints. We began with leaf prints, then used our fingers and have moved on to using blocks of styrofoam. It has been great for our learners to experience how the colours change when adding different paints. 


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Image of ⭐️ Home Learning Super Star ⭐️
3 February 2022

⭐️ Home Learning Super Star ⭐️

A huge well done to one of our students who has completed all of her home learning challenges this week. Fantastic work.

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